Uganda Coffee Beans

Light- Medium Roast , excellent for filter and complex espresso Every year Uganda benefits from a bi-modal rainfall season and high altitudes, the country has a pleasant climate all year round and can be found covered in greenery. The mountain ranges to the East and West are home to Uganda’s arabica farmers and the government […]
COLOMBIA Passiflora Coffee Beans

COLOMBIACherry Muffin/ Caramel / Almond / Milk Chocolate COLOMBIA Passiflora Planadas is the largest town south of Tolima, but is still isolated and lacking in infrastructure; a cause and result of the narcotics conflicts that have come to define this region. 35 farming families have banded together with developer/exporter/partner Cedro Alto to change that, to […]

DECAF COLOMBIA DE CANACHOCOLATE / STONE FRUIT / PEACH BISCUITS This Colombian decaf is cupped specifically for their quality and sourced by single-origin, either region or farm. We call them Decaf De Caña because they’re custom decaffeinated in Colombia, using a special, natural process that utilizes a solvent of sugarcane, which is derived from locally […]