Flavours of black current, dark chocolate, and floral notes.

Coming from a variety of smallholder farms in the Rwenzori Mountains region, Uganda, over 850 farmers contribute to this delightfully full bodied, complex and floral cup; delivering mild acidity and an easygoing sweet fruit flavours. The varietals SL14 and SL28 both contain a sweet body, lovely aroma and a distinctive fruit flavours often described as apple and black currant.

Our suppliers Omwani have partnered with Agri Evolve; a social enterprise coffee bean supplier. Prior to Agri Evolve’s involvement, there were prominent issues with traders paying unfair prices for coffee cherries, exploiting their position of leverage for a quick cash grab. Agri Evolve entered the market by investing in a collection point for farmers to sell their cherries, giving farmers better control and stability over selling price.

African Moon is a community sourced, naturally processed Arabica,  and is regularly the primary income for many of the families of the Rwenzoris.  Since 2015, Agri Evolve have been encouraging farmers to sell coffee as cherry rather than green. Agri Evolve buying centres act as hubs for farmers to sell in the market with the fairest possible coffee price. Masereka Obed (pictured abive) is the lead farmer and one of the elders responsible for this group. 

The next major steps were investing in proper processing facilities like a washer separator, mechanical dryers, a hulling machine, and green-houses. All of which added to the main station. This attracted more farmers to sell their coffee at fair and stable prices, a huge step above the former volatile marketplace. The convenient locations of newly built station has also drastically reduced the effort required for farmers to travel to market.

At Cannon, our efforts go towards paying more to the hardest working people in the coffee industry. The farmers. And we’re proud to be working with Omwani and Agri Evolve to achieve this mission.